Georgina Doel BVetMed MRCVS

Georgina qualified from the Royal Veterinary College (RVC), London and following a spell working as a farm vet in Cornwall, she joined the farm team at Garston in 2011. As well as being a vet, George has also taken on the role of Farm Clinical Coordinator and helps to develop and market new and proactive services, building on the close relationship we have with our clients and forming new ones with industry leaders. George enjoys all aspects of farm work and has a particular interest in calves, working closely with Emily as our “youngstock experts”. George is married to a local farmer, has three young children and loves a good game of hockey at the weekend.

Sarah Holmes RVN

Sarah started working in veterinary practice in Bournemouth in 1995 and qualified as a veterinary nurse in 1998. She joined our practice in 2001 as Head Nurse, then progressed to Nurse Manager in 2011, and Marketing Manager in 2015. Sarah has always had a keen interest in client services, and is the main face behind our social media platforms and community events, gaining a few awards for the practice along the way. In her spare time she loves to visit a local nursing home with her Pets As Therapy dog, Watson.

Clare Rogers

A change of career saw Clare joining our reception team in December 2016. Clare tells us she’s learned so much already and continues to do so every day, no two days are the same which makes it all the more interesting, and she feels proud to have a job that she loves. Clare has a black Labrador and enjoys all the fantastic walks our local countryside has to offer.